Organizing a training course in the field of antenna design and manufacturing
Within the framework of enriching the educational process and improving the level of university and higher institute students in order to obtain a qualified graduate for the requirements and needs of the labor market, the Electronics Research Institute developed the skills and capabilities of a group of students from the Faculty of Engineering at Mansoura University through a training program in the field of antenna design and manufacturing.
The training program included providing students with the skills of how to design various antennas using the CST and HFSS programs.
The students implemented many projects in which many antennas were designed with different feeds, such as Coplanar antenna, Antenna Array, RF Power Divider, and MIMO Antenna System.
In order to develop the students’ research and development skills, they were trained on how to read research papers, benefit from their results, and how to write them. This is in addition to designing and implementing one of the research papers published in international periodicals and manufacturing it in the institute’s laboratories, where students participated in the manufacturing process to learn about the complete steps and measure the antenna using the institute’s measuring devices, Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), and verify the results of the research paper and compare them to the simulation results. The results obtained were consistent with the results mentioned in the research. The training was conducted by researcher Allam Amin