Higher Education: ERI gets the 37th place in Semago Ranking of Research Centers year of 2022
Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, received a report submitted by Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram, President of the Electronics Research Institute, about the institute's obtaining the 37th place in the Spanish Scimago classification for research centers in the Middle East and North Africa for the year 2022, and its scientific and research performance during the last period.
The report referred to the most important indicators of Cimago's classification of scientific and research publication for the Electronics Research Institute, which are: the number of leadership research (BF:302.39), the number of excellence research (Exec:47), the number of research published in the most influential scientific journals (Q1: 105), and the number of research Existing on the database (Scopus "O": 729), number of regional cooperation research (RC:103), number of industry cooperation research (IDC:23), number of published research by the institution compared to the number of researchers(STP:285), Number of Patent Citations (PI:3), The Center also scored in (Open Access) Index (OA:176), Reference Metrics (AM:27), Inbound Links (IL:132), And the number of research participating in the sustainable development goals (SDG: 166), the number of research in the (Web Size) index (WS: 424), the number of research in the field of knowledge innovation (IK:3), and the number of international cooperation research (IC:274).
The report stated that the Institute published 155 scientific papers during the year 2021, and the Institute obtained 2 patents during the year: the first patent entitled "A method for determining the angle and frequency of the electrical network using virtual power", and the second entitled "A new ribbon antenna in the shape of an eagle", and the Institute won an award Best website at the level of research institutes and centers for the year 2021,In addition to the Institute’s members receiving 23 scientific awards in various fields, the Institute’s membership in scientific journals has reached 24, and the number of international arbitration is 145. In addition, the Institute’s members have authored 8 scientific books.
The report pointed out that the Institute implemented 12 external research projects in 2021 with a total budget estimated at about 31 million and 400,000 Egyptian pounds, and 10 internal research projects with a total budget estimated at about 2 million and 900,000 Egyptian pounds, in addition to the Institute signing a number of local and international contracts and protocols with A number of entities, including:The Industrial Modernization Center, Stack Company for Computer Systems and Technology, the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Alexandria University, Siraj Industrial Company and the Industrial Modernization Center, Pharos University, Techno Space Company, Shanghai Institute for Microelectronic Systems and Information Technology, The British University, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, and the Korean Innovation Foundation, and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (Sidari) in Switzerland.