Announcement for the jobs for the year 2019
The Electronics Research Institute announces that it needs to fill the following jobs: - First: - A research assistant in the areas of the Institute's specialization with, at least, very good general grade among the graduates of one of the Faculties of Engineering subject to the Law of Universities Regulation No. 49/72 and its executive regulations submitted by the Supreme Council of Universities. Second: - Researcher assistants with a master's degree in engineering or physics. Applications are submitted by hand on behalf of Mr. Prof. Dr. / President of the Institute on the form prepared for that at the Department of Employment Affairs at the Institute’s headquarters Nature Building - National Research Center - Research Street (formerly Tahrir) Dokki - Giza, no later than two weeks from the date of publication Third: - Leadership positions (general cadre) according to Law No. 81/2016 and its executive regulations for the qualitative group of senior management jobs, namely: - • Director General of the General Department for Scientific Affairs and International Cooperation at the functional level (General Manager). • Director General of the General Department of Financial Affairs at the job level (General Manager) Applications shall be submitted in the name of Prof. Dr. / President of the Institute on the form prepared for that with the Technical Secretariat of the Committee on Leadership Jobs no later than a month from the date of the announcement, and copies of the documents will not be regained. Applicants to this announcement are from the Institute staff and others. The e-government portal and the internal advertising board at the institute to review the detailed conditions at the institute's headquarters, Nature Building - National Research Center – Al Bohouth Street (formerly Tahrir) Dokki – Giza. No attention will be given to requests that are received by mail or after the deadline or that do not meet the conditions and specifications
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Announcement of a general manager position
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