Organizing a training course to develop workers skills entitled Raising the capabilities and skills of workers in contracts Entity
The Electronics Research Institute, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sherine Muhammad Abdel Qader Muharram, President of the Institute, launched a training program entitled “Raising the Capabilities and Skills of Public Contracting Employees,” as part of a series of training programs aimed at developing the capabilities and skills of employees related to the legal and practical rules and procedures related to government contracts, rationalizing spending on the use of government vehicles, and warehouse and inventory management. Commodity.
Dr. confirmed. Sherine Muharram said that organizing the training program came within the framework of implementing the initiative to support and develop human resources and develop the institute’s infrastructure and technology, which works to achieve the first track of the institute’s strategic plan. With the aim of creating a stimulating and supportive environment for excellence and innovation in scientific research, in addition to the Institute’s endeavor to build the capabilities of employees in the Institute’s various departments.
The President of the Institute also explained that the training comes within the mechanisms for implementing the Institute’s strategy towards achieving comprehensive quality in the performance of administrative services and procedures, adding that the training program aims to train 25 trainees from the private and general staff of the Institute, over the course of three training courses through joint cooperation with the Authority. General Government Services, where the training course is implemented in the institute’s training halls, which are equipped with the latest training methods and capabilities, over a period of 72 training hours within 16 working days.
Dr. confirmed. Osama Dowidar, Acting Secretary-General of the Institute, said that these training programs have the greatest impact on the performance of the Institute’s employees and raise the efficiency of the Institute’s administrative work systems, stressing the continuation of such programs due to their importance.