Minister of Higher Education reviews a report on the visit of the Executive Director of the American Smith Center for Technological Innovation to ERI
Within the framework of cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Fulbright Educational and Cultural Exchange Authority between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America, Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a report submitted by Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram, Head of the Electronics Research Institute, on the visit of the American expert, Dr. Terek Tidwell is Executive Director of the Smith Center for Technology Innovation at Johnson C. Smith University, North Carolina, USA, for the institute's home.
The report indicated that the visit began with an inspection tour of the institute, the constructions and buildings of the science city that is being established, and the exhibition of research outputs at the institute, as well as the central laboratories, including: the electronic circuit manufacturing plant, the electronic waste recycling laboratory, the battery manufacturing laboratory, the XRD device laboratory, and the millimeter wave measurement laboratory. , the specific absorption measurement laboratory, the modeling laboratory, in addition to visiting the pavilion of the start-up incubator and viewing the products and outputs of those companies. Terek delivered a lecture to members of the Institute's research staff, entitled "Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Egypt Innovates".
Dr. explained. Sherine pointed out that this meeting comes within the framework of transferring global expertise in light of the Ministry's adoption of the establishment of the Science and Technology Valleys project, in order to activate the Science, Technology and Innovation Incentives Law, and to benefit from international experiences in the field of supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and science cities, and marketing mechanisms for scientific research outputs and promising technologies through Identifying suitable markets, attracting partners from industry, international companies and businessmen who can continue to develop and manufacture products, and identifying consumer needs. I thank the Minister, Dr. Yasser Refaat, Deputy Minister for Scientific Research Affairs, and Dr. Maggie Nassif, Executive Director of the Fulbright Commission in Egypt, for their efforts in Supporting Egyptian-American relations in the fields of higher education and scientific research.
The head of the Electronics Research Institute confirmed the institute's keenness to continue communication with the American expert. To benefit from his expertise to develop a performance system for the Science City for electronics research and industry, and to contribute to the evaluation of business using the Balance Scorecard (BSC), as well as to develop a proposal for the optimal methodology for the operating methodology of the Science City.
For his part, the American expert d. Terek Tidwell expressed his happiness at visiting the Electronics Research Institute, which includes research and scientific capabilities that are unique to the institute in the field of electronics industry, praising the specialized laboratories and their advanced equipment that would serve the various sectors of the country, entrepreneurs and emerging companies. He also praised the geographical location of the institute and its proximity to Cairo Airport and industrial companies. specialized in electronic products, stressing that Egypt is distinguished by the existence of a safe climate and a huge manpower that contributes to supporting and localizing the technology of the electronics industry, and creating many investment opportunities.