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Signing a cooperation protocol with the Engineers Syndicate to train engineers and market research outputs that have a positive impact and practical application to society
The Engineers Syndicate signed a cooperation protocol with the Electronics Research Institute to train engineers and market research outputs that have practical impact and application to society.
Today, Sunday, September 24, 2023, Engineer Tariq Al-Nabrawy - Head of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, received in his office at the headquarters of the General Syndicate of Engineers, Dr. Sherine Abdel Qadira Muharram - President of the Electronics Research Institute, and a number of the institute’s leaders, where the protocol was signed.
During the meeting, the head of the Engineers Syndicate stressed that training engineers is the union’s top priority, and said: We have huge training plans, and we are keen to provide distinguished training opportunities for engineers in various engineering specializations.
The Head of the Engineers Syndicate praised the training capabilities of the Electronics Research Institute, stressing that the Syndicate’s cooperation with the Institute will open broad training horizons for engineers.
For her part, Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader affirmed her happiness with the cooperation between the Institute and the Engineers Syndicate, noting that the Institute has 28 distinct training laboratories, each of which includes training devices that simulate industrial facilities. It also organizes online training courses and includes experts at the highest level in the fields of electronics, communications, computers and informatics. and energy, in addition to the Scientific City, which provides distinguished services to young entrepreneurs.
The protocol stipulates that the institute provides all requirements and laboratory equipment required for training courses, and provides full assistance in writing projects that require funding and industrial and academic partnerships. It also stipulates that the union and the institute cooperate in all training program activities, most notably artificial intelligence and cloud computing courses and technological courses for micro-electronic mechanical systems. Automatic control courses, academic courses, and any other courses agreed upon by the two parties, with assistance in marketing industrial outputs and products to engineers.
The signing of the protocol was attended by Dr. Eng. Mohamed Al-Yamani - Head of the Electrical Engineering Division and Head of the Engineering Laboratories Committee, Dr. Eng. Mohamed Abbas - President of the Sub-Aswan Engineers Syndicate, and Engineer Mohamed Mahfouz - President of the Luxor Engineers Sub-Syndicate.The signing of the protocol on the part of the institute was also attended by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fakhr - Supervisor of the Scientific Departments and General Administration of Central Laboratories, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Salem - Supervisor of Technical and Administrative Affairs, and Dr. Basem Ibrahim - Supervisor of the Center for Information Systems and Digital Transformation.