ERI signs two contracts for logistical support and provision of technical services and consultations for startup companies
Reviewed by Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a report from Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram, President of the Electronics Research Institute, said that the Institute signed two contracts with two emerging companies, the first with the “i3D” company working in the field of digital manufacturing using 3D printers, and the second with the “RF Box” design and engineering consulting company working in the field. Manufacture and assembly of lithium batteries and electric vehicles.
The report indicated that i3D, in cooperation with the Electronics Research Institute, provides its services to the Egyptian market in the field of designing and implementing prototypes for industrial and artistic products, manufacturing plastic spare parts and Pharaonic antiquities replicas, and providing locally assembled printers with various capabilities that suit the needs of the market, in addition to Specialized training for graduates and university students in various fields of digital manufacturing, starting from engineering and technical design to using printers and training in operating and maintaining them, all the way to the final product stage by processing, painting or coloring the printed pieces.
RF Box Design and Engineering Consulting Company manufactures, assembles and maintains lithium batteries and electric vehicles, assembles electronic circuits, and designs and develops software, antennas and communications systems.The report added that, according to the contract, the Institute provides services, logistical support, and technical consultations to the two companies, by providing specialized researchers in various specializations of the Institute’s departments and laboratories. To assist in the development and innovation process of products, in addition to supporting their production processes; To enhance innovation and access to a local product in support of the knowledge-based economy, in addition to preparing specialized courses for youth and entrepreneurs in the fields of work of the two companies, and participating in organizing workshops; To connect researchers with industry, contribute to producing research outputs in the form of a final product and work on marketing it.Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader pointed out that this type of contract emphasizes the role that the institute plays in supporting emerging companies. To avoid the obstacles and challenges it faces, provide expertise and technical knowledge, and provide all laboratory equipment for it; To be able to compete in the local and African market.It is worth noting that the two companies were established among the companies supported by the Tareq Incubator at the Electronics Research Institute, and funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.