A contract to establish an incubator in the field of waste recycling
Within the framework of signing a contract to establish an incubator in the field of electronic waste recycling at the headquarters of the Electronics Research Institute in Nozha with the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARI), under the umbrella of the cooperation protocol signed between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Electronics Research Institute and the CEDARI Organization, the Institute witnessed the visit of both Dr. Hossam Allam, Regional Director of Sustainable Growth for Sidari, Engineer Ghada Moghny, Project Manager of Sidari, and from the Swiss side, Arthur Harmaan, where they inspected the institute’s central laboratories, including the PCB laboratory, the electronic waste laboratory, the lithium battery laboratory, the XRD laboratory, and many of the companies incubated by the institute, such as the 3D printing company and the RF company. Box and Fruitful Solutions Company, in the presence of the incubator’s work team, Assistant Professor Dr. Ghada Ahmed, Assistant Professor Ahmed Mansour, Dr. Yasser Arafa, Eng. Ahmed Salem. They expressed their admiration for the institute’s capabilities and human resources, and the Swiss side’s willingness to cooperate with the institute more broadly in other fields.