- الرئيسيه /
- Depts Labs /
- Microwave engineering lab
معمل هندسة الموجات الميكروئية
معمل هندسة الموجات الميكروئية
أجهزة المعمل
Device name |
Device Tests |
Vector Signal Analyzer N9010A 10 Hz to 44 GHz | Analyze vector signal in the frequency range (10 Hz to 44 GHz) |
Vector Signal Generator E8267D 100 kHz to 44 GHz | Generate Vector signals in the frequency range (100 kHz to 44 GHz) |
81180B 4.6 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator 2 GHz IQ modulation bandwidth | 4.6 Gsa/s arbitrary waveform generation with the capability of 2 GHz IQ modulation bandwidth |
Vector Network Analyzer N9918A 10 MHz – 6.5 GHz | Analyzing vector network in frequency range (10 MHz – 6.5 GHz) |
High-Performance Oscilloscope Lecroy Model Wavepro 725Zi, 2.5 GHz oscilloscope for time domain measurements | Oscilloscope for time domain measurements (2.5 GHz) |
Spectrum Analyzer Anritsu Model MS2830A, 9 kHz-13.5 GHz | Analyzing the spectrum of electrical signals in the frequency range (9 kHz – 13.5 GHz) |
Power Meter 4231A 10 MHz –26.5 GHz | Measuring the power of microwave signals in the frequency range (10 MHz – 26.5 GHz) |
Radiation Hazard Meter EXTECH480846 10 MHz – 8 GHz | Measuring the radiation hazard of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range (10 MHz – 8 GHz) |
Anechoic EM Test Chamber | Anechoic EM Test Chamber |
Trifield Meter Less EMF Inc. 30 Hz – 500 Hz Electric | Measurement of low-frequency electric / magnetic fields |