Strategic and Executive Plan Update
Updating the institute’s strategic plan and executive plan, in addition to preparing the operational plan .Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, stressed the importance of the role played by the Electronics Research Institute in serving Egyptian society in all its sectors and achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals, praising the developments and achievements that the Institute is witnessing in the current period, and the support provided by the City of Science and Technology for electronics research and industry. affiliated with the Institute (STPERI) in the field of nurturing young researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs and emerging companies.
The Board of Directors of the Electronics Research Institute was held, headed by Dr. Sherine Muhammad Abdel Qader Muharram, President of the Institute, held a meeting in the presence of Dr. Yasser Refaat, Deputy Minister for Scientific Research Affairs, and members of the Council; At the institute’s headquarters in New Nozha.
The Council appreciated the unlimited support provided by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the Institute to carry out its role entrusted with caring for young researchers and innovators, embracing their ideas and working to implement them to serve society, and effectively contributing to developing and supporting scientific research projects.
Dr. Yasser Refaat praised the institute’s keenness to implement the principles of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, and its role in participating in regional alliances to achieve comprehensive development, explaining the importance of providing all aspects of support to research institutes and centers, in embracing the ideas of researchers and innovators.
During the Council’s activities, Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram gave a presentation on the achievements made by the Institute during the last period, and its role in implementing the principles of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, which include 7 principles of comprehensive development, namely (leadership and creativity, international reference, sustainability, effective participation, and communication). , interdisciplinarity, integration).
Abdul Qader reviewed the certificates and awards that the institute obtained during the past period. The Institute obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, and won first place in the MOSAIC competition, first place in the Egypt Award for Government Excellence, and first place in the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects in Cairo Governorate, large projects category. She thanked all the Institute’s members for the efforts made. To complete this achievement.
She pointed out that the Institute is witnessing a boom in the field of cooperation with universities and research and scientific institutions to support the efforts made to transform universities into fourth-generation universities, as many cooperation protocols have been signed with universities, including, for example (Alexandria, Assiut, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, and the British University). In Egypt and 6th of October Technological University,); This is for cooperation in the areas of creativity and innovation, capacity support, and qualification for the local and international labor market and future jobs. In this context, training scholarships for recent graduates in the field of microelectronics have been announced, and a scholarship is being announced to join the School of Microwave Engineering. In addition to supporting investment opportunities in scientific research outputs through joint workshops and networking with industry.
The presentation also included a review of the objectives of the Electronics Research Institute, which include raising the scientific research index, supporting innovation, deepening local manufacturing and linking with production and service entities, transferring and localizing technology, contributing to the growth of the knowledge-based national economy, and building scientific and technical administrative capabilities. Her Excellency indicated that the strategy of the new Electronics Research Institute is in line with the strategic objectives of the country and with its aspiration to advance the country’s development plan and achieve sustainable development. The strategy relies on two tracks. The first track aims to create a stimulating and supportive environment for excellence and innovation in scientific research, which establishes comprehensive societal development and the production of new knowledge that achieves international leadership. The first track includes 5 axes and 8 initiatives. The second track aims to produce knowledge, transfer and localize technology to contribute to economic and societal development, and includes 8 axes and 15 initiatives. The executive plan for the year 2024-2027, the operational plan for the year 2024, and the target of research and service activities from all departments of the institute were also reviewed.
It also reviewed the activities of the Board of Directors of the City of Science and Technology for electronics research and manufacturing, through three axes that included creating a stimulating and supportive environment, the marketing and participation axis, the axis of supporting creativity and innovation, and the services provided to researchers, entrepreneurs and emerging companies, and contracts for providing services, technical consultations, logistical support and hosting.