Balance in the lives of women leaders
Believing from the management of the Electronics Research Institute of the role of Egyptian women in society in general and in the field of research and development in particular, a symposium entitled “Balance in the Life of Women Leaders” will be held on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at ten in the morning in Professor Tarek Kamel’s hall at the headquarters of the Research Institute promenade electronics. Where the institute will host a number of women leaders in the field of scientific research to present their success stories and the balance between their family life and scientific and practical life, in addition to the challenges they faced and how to overcome them. The seminar guests will be:
Prof. Dr. /Esmat Abdel Fattah
Former President of the Electronics Research Institute
Prof. Dr. /Taysir Abu Al-Nasr
Former Dean of the College of Engineering in Canada
Prof. Dr. /Wafaa Kandil
President of the Theodor Bilharz Institute
Prof. Dr. /Noha Emad
President of the National Calibration Institute
Prof. Dr./Mona Abdel Latif
Acting President of the City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications
Anyone wishing to attend the seminar should register through the following link: