Microstrip antennas: Design, Simulation and Fabrication -
This course introduce an introduction to antennas and microstrip antennas. This course helps the under graduated students, M.Sc. students and Ph.D. students to understand the antennas and microstrip antennas. It helps the student to design and simulate a microstrip antenna at different applications. In addition to that, A visit and a tour to the fabrication laboratories will be hold ** Outlines * Introduction to antenna parameters such as Radiation Pattern, B.W, Polarization, S-parameters, Gain, Directivity, efficiency, beamwidth and etc. * Design of a theoretical microstrip patch antenna operated at 2.4GHz. * Introduction to the Ready-made software package * Design and simulate microstrip transmission lines. * Simulate a microstrip antenna with its feed using Ready-made Software . * Teaching the optimization methods to get the optimum results * Practical Labs. Tour
No Course Prerequisites